Friday, October 25, 2019

Blog Post#1 My writing experience in the electronic environment vs traditional writing.Does it matter? Maybe it does maybe it dosen't.

      From an early age I always enjoyed making up stuff in my head and as a result, writing was always a fun time for me.Thus I have always found it easy getting my thoughts down on paper. As time progressed up came the technological age and with it the the word processor Microsoft Office  which is the powerhouse of modern day writing, followed by it's affiliates e-mail and tweets.Which I very much dislike.This is because personally don't like electronic devices but I use, because of necessity.Then comes the typing part. Although I can type to a certain extent, I am not a pro.To this day I don't like typing much but I must admit that constant typing of letters in the electronic environment ,emails and other documents has made me develop on my speed and made me more aware of some of the features that come with the Microsoft program, such as the check document for spelling and grammatical errors and also how to rearrange content and separate them into paragraphs.

      On the other hand, writing with pen and paper encourages me to tax my brain to become creative.When I write it is easy for me to remember what I have written.There is just a connection with you, your pen and pencil as you put your thoughts down on paper, not to mention if you have a beautiful handwriting which is a work of art in itself. One major difference is that when I am writing, I am in deep concentration and less likely to be distracted by other on line influences  or the clicking sound of the keys on the keyboard .One thing I can say for certain is that writing with pen and paper is definitely a tool of creation.
Image result for pic of someone writing with a pen